  • 1 # mimidustie

    死者是一位49歲的婦女,正在推著腳踏車過馬路,走在斑馬線之外。肇事者是亞利桑那州核准行駛的Uber無人駕駛車,車型是Volvo XC90。

    這輛無人駕駛車上還是有一個駕駛,Rafael Vasquez,現在還不知道他有沒有采取任何阻止車禍的行動。

    Uber 已經全面暫停使用自動駕駛。

    一位美國律師的觀點是,這個案子要分民事和刑事,民事很容易,他會以 Uber為主要控訴目標,其次是准許無人駕駛車上馬路的亞利桑那州Tampa市政府。


    Matt Henshon, a Boston lawyer who has written and spoken widely on artificial intelligence and self-driving cars, said that while a civil suit would be fairly straightforward, the question of potential criminal liability is much more complicated.

    Could the human driver have intervened? Were developers negligent in their design and rollout of the software? Was a nonworking sensor missed by inspectors?

    “The analogy is autopilot, in the airline case, where you put it on autopilot but the pilot still remains legally responsible,” he said. “Would they have been able to do something?”

    He said it raised a key question: “Who had ultimate responsibility, the human driver or the car itself?” he asked. But even if the car was deemed responsible, mechanical and software-related questions would also come up.

    “What bug was in there?” he said. “Was it reasonable for somebody to miss the bug?”

    A civil case would be much more straightforward.

    “If I’m representing the decedent … I’m suing the city for allowing everyone to do it,” he said. “But Uber’s my main target.”

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