  • 1 # jnvdyhfgc

    英文早餐讀作:英 ["brekfəst] 美 ["brɛkfəst]早餐拼音:zǎo cān英文:breakfast讀音:英 ["brekfəst] 美 ["brɛkfəst]解釋:指早晨吃的食物,又稱:早點、過早、早飯。片語:for breakfast 當作早餐;對於早餐來說have breakfast 吃早餐,吃早飯eat breakfast 吃早飯at breakfast 早餐時,正在吃早飯例句:

    1、After breakfast he perused the newspapers. 早飯後,他讀了各種報紙。

    2、He wolfed down his breakfast and went to school. 他狼吞虎嚥地吃了早飯上學去了。

  • 2 # 起來就起來

    “早餐”的英文breakfast , breaker, dejeuner

    "Instead of having that enormous breakfast, try to be content with fruit juice and some cereal. ""早餐不要吃得太多,吃點桔汁、麥片就可以了。"A bacon and eggs breakfast with coffee, please.請給我一份培根蛋(燻肉加蛋)早餐和咖啡。

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