  • 1 # Jzdmoon雜燴



    金玉相嵌,寓意“金玉滿堂”。金器與玉器,本身皆是高貴與尊崇的象徵 ,而兩者的完美結合,不但進一步昇華其外有的華美氣質,更增添了一種難言其妙的靈氣,畫龍點睛之筆讓人歎為觀止。

    Gold inlays and Tianqing white jade are on the eyebrows (closed in 2017). "Golden inlaid jade" is also known as "golden inlaid jade" and "golden jade"; gold inlaid jade is fixed by welding, claws, edging, etc. And highlight the surface; gold wrong jade is to draw a delicate pattern on the surface of the jade, according to the shape of the pattern to pull out the groove to pull pure gold or sterling silver into a filament or into a thin film embedded pattern, polished flat, polished and polished, The pattern and the jade are formed to have a strong color effect and a brilliant luster.

         At present, the “golden jade” products commonly found on the market, among which “gold” is mostly 18K gold or platinum, while “Jade” is mostly jade, Hetian jade and so on. For technical reasons, the main “golden inlay” on the market now. Jade products are mainly jade, and the price factor is determined by the texture of jade itself.

       The gold jade is embedded, meaning "golden jade full house." Gold and jade are both symbols of nobleness and respect, and the perfect combination of the two not only further enhances the temperament of the other, but also adds an inexplicable aura. The finishing touch is amazing.

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