  • 1 # 你笑起來真好看話心理

    My Way 我的路 And now, the end is near; 現在,我的末日將近, And so I face the final curtain. 面臨人生的最後落幕, My friend, I"ll make it clear, 我的朋友,我要說個清楚, I"ll state my case, of which I"m certain. 向你講述我的人生之路。 I"ve lived a life that"s full. 我活過一個充實的人生, I"ve traveled each and every highway; 我經歷過每一段路途, And more, much more I did, 而更重要的是, I did it my way. 我用自己的方式。 Regrets, I"ve had a few; 遺憾,也有一些吧, But then again, too few to mention. 算不上多,不值一提。 I did what I had to do 我做了該做的一切, And saw it through without exemption. 洞悉世事,不求赦免。 I planned each charted course; 我規劃過每一段人生, Each careful step along the by way, 每一個細微的腳步, and more, much more than this, 而更重要的是, I did it my way. 我用自己的方式。 Yes, there were times, I"m sure you knew 是的,你知道有些時候, When I bit off more than I could chew. 我曾揹負不能承受之重, But through it all, when there was doubt, 但自始至終,就算充滿疑惑, I ate it up and spit it out. 我還是克服困難戰勝了它。 I faced it all and I stood tall; 我挺直身軀,勇敢面對, And did it my way. 用我自己的方式。 I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried. 我曾經愛過,笑過,哭過, I’ve had my fill; my share of losing. 我曾經滿足,也曾經失落, And now, as tears subside, 現在,當淚水慢慢沉澱, I find it all so amusing. 我發現原來可以一笑置之。 To think I did all that; 想到我所做過的一切, And may I say - not in a shy way, 我可以說,毫不羞愧地說, No, oh no not me, 我沒有虛度, I did it my way. 我用自己的方式。 For what is a man, what has he got? 男人究竟是什麼,擁有什麼? If not himself, then he has naught. 除了自己,我們一無所有。 To say the things he truly feels; 說出心裡最真實的感受, And not the words of one who kneels. 而不是那些身不由己的話。 The record shows I took the blows - 時間證明,我經受住了磨難, And did it my way! 用我自己的方式! Yes, it was my way. 沒錯,這就是我的方式

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