  • 1 # 使用者8171356101758

    carry nutrients是攜帶營養/養分的意思。

    1 Just as your veins are spread out to carry nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body, I also embrace your entire system like a network, without leaving the tiniest space;


    2 Therefore, type of rape to carry out machine-mounted nutrients rapid collection of information technology and equipment research has important theoretical and practical value.The purpose of this research is establishing model for quantitative analysis between the spectrum and the main nutrients of rape information. At the same time quickly get rapeseed visual image through machine vision technology.


    3 All these foods also carry many other needed nutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential oils and enzymes.


    4 The next rain will break it up and carry at least some of the bacteria and excess nutrients into the nearest storm drain, and ultimately the local stream.


    5 Further research is needed to carry out to explain the specific mechanism of the nutrients redistribution. Trial2: this study was intended to investigate the effects of different modes of diet on the release of LPS in rumen, the concentration of LPS in mammary gland arteriovenous and the status of immune activation.


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