  • 1 # 有事你說kx

    “在……右邊”用英語翻譯:In the...On the right。

    right (-hand)


    (姓氏) a surname:

    You Gongb右公弼

    (保守的;反動的) the Right:

    too far to the Right in thinking;思想太右

    views of a Rightist tendenc右傾觀點

    (崇尚) favour; uphold:

    (of a ruler) patronize literature and the arts


    順著這條大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。 Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the right.

    大多數人的右手是優勢手。 The right hand is dominant in most people.

    她的右手上戴著一枚鑲有綠寶石的戒指。 She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand.

    汽車突然向右轉。 The car swerved to the right.

    如果要避開市中心,請從這裡向右轉彎。 To avoid the city center, turn right here.

    你可以擰電視上右邊的旋鈕把它開啟。 You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on.

    大多數手寫體都向右斜。 Most handwriting slants to the right.

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