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    Acta Materialia是材料學領域,非常非常頂尖的雜誌,能在那上面發表論文,說明你已經在你所在的領域多的很好了,它主要是關於金屬方面的!它05年的影響因子是:3.43。可能和奈米,和化學方面的期刊比影響因子不是很高,但是對金屬材料來說,它已經是頂級的了!


    Aims and Scope

    Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and commissioned overviews which advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the structure and the properties of materials. The structure encompasses atomic and molecular arrangements, chemical and electronic structures, and microstructure. Papers addressing mechanical, chemical, electronic, magnetic and optical properties will be considered.

    Emphasis is on the following aspects of the science and engineering of structural and functional materials at all length scales:

    (i) Experimentation, simulation and modeling which advance the understanding of the properties;

    (ii) Elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the synthesis and processing of materials which advance the understanding of the properties; and

    (iii) Improvement in the characterization of the structure and chemistry of materials which advance the understanding of the properties.





    沃爾特斯·克魯維爾集團(Wolters Kluwer nv),是荷蘭的科技與教育出版公司,也是世界出版十大巨頭之一。...

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