  • 1 # 一小束照著你的光


    Children who are preferred need not say sorry. Children who are not preferred need not say sorry.


    Someone is holding an umbrella for you, but it was I who first accompanied you in the rain.


    In the future, I will definitely marry the boy who buys snacks for me while quarrelling. I will never like a person who is a little contradictory and gives up the cold war.


    "Liking is not necessarily appropriate, suitable is not necessarily like, I don"t want to kidnap anyone in the name of love, what I want is, if you are willing, I am worth it, if one side is not willing, it is meaningless."


    "There will always be" unexpected meeting and unexpected joy "in this world. Of course, there will also be" unexpected goodbye and no lingering farewell. "

    6.慢慢的你會發現 你越來越喜歡做事靠譜 成熟穩重 做什麼都能想到你的人 而不是一個只要面子不顧你感受的人

    Slowly, you will find that you are more and more fond of doing things reliably, mature and steady, doing everything that can think of you, instead of a person who only cares about your face and disregards your feelings.

    7.沒有人會為你踏霧而來 喜歡的風景自己去看 學會推開自己喜歡的東西就是成長

    No one will step on the fog for you to enjoy the scenery and learn to push away what you like is growth.

    8.希望你會遇到 抽菸沒癮 喝酒有度成熟穩重 溫柔懂事 穿著帆布鞋 寬鬆衣 滿眼都是你的男孩子

    I hope you will meet some boys who are not addicted to smoking and drinking, mature, steady, gentle and sensible, wearing canvas shoes, loose clothes and full of you.

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