Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有幾位成員提出了自己的建議。30 years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles. 30年前,科學家們提出了質子和中子是由三種更小的粒子組成的理論。No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.對於為什麼應該是這樣,還沒有人想出最終確定的答案。The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings. 聽證會促使總統想出了這些建議。Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.讓我們提取一下獨木舟上的指紋,看看能不能有什麼發現。I don"t think he can come up with any clever move. 我看他也沒有什麼高招。 I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢說你講不出現任首相的哪怕一項重大成就。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with.留神那些活寶,你永遠也不知道他們會想出什麼樣的主意。I don"t think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不覺得我一開始就特意為每張專輯設定了不同的曲風。然而,我確實知道當時想要的是什麼感覺。Howard Wilkinson has come up with an absolute corker of an idea. 霍華德·威爾金森想出了一個絕佳的主意。
Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有幾位成員提出了自己的建議。30 years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles. 30年前,科學家們提出了質子和中子是由三種更小的粒子組成的理論。No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.對於為什麼應該是這樣,還沒有人想出最終確定的答案。The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings. 聽證會促使總統想出了這些建議。Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.讓我們提取一下獨木舟上的指紋,看看能不能有什麼發現。I don"t think he can come up with any clever move. 我看他也沒有什麼高招。 I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢說你講不出現任首相的哪怕一項重大成就。Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with.留神那些活寶,你永遠也不知道他們會想出什麼樣的主意。I don"t think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不覺得我一開始就特意為每張專輯設定了不同的曲風。然而,我確實知道當時想要的是什麼感覺。Howard Wilkinson has come up with an absolute corker of an idea. 霍華德·威爾金森想出了一個絕佳的主意。