《This Is My Father"s World》This is my Father"s world, And to my list"ning ears,All nature sings, and round me ringsThe music of the spheres.This is my Father"s world,I rest me in the thoughtOf rocks and trees, of skies and seas;His hand the wonders wrought.This is my Father"s world, The birds their carols raise;The morning light, the lily whiteDeclare their Maker"s praise.This is my Father"s world, He shines in all that"s fair;In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,He speaks to me ev"rywhere.This is my Father"s world, O let me ne"er forgetThat though the wrong seems oft so strong,God is the Ruler yet.This is my Father"s world, The battle is not done;Jesus who died shall be satisfied,And earth and heav"n be one.這是天父世界 這是天父世界:我要側耳傾聽, 宇宙唱歌,四圍應和,星辰作樂同聲。 這是天父世界:我心滿有安寧; 樹茂花開,蒼天碧海,述說天父全能。 這是天父世界:小鳥長翅飛鳴; 晨光映暉,好花麗蔚,頌揚造物尊名。 這是天父世界:他愛普及萬千, 風吹之草,顯主奧妙,天父充滿世間。 這是天父世界:求主叫我不忘, 罪勢兇狠,好像得勝,天父卻仍作王。 這是天父世界:戰爭還沒有完; 受死基督,得勝滿足,天地歸主掌權。
《This Is My Father"s World》This is my Father"s world, And to my list"ning ears,All nature sings, and round me ringsThe music of the spheres.This is my Father"s world,I rest me in the thoughtOf rocks and trees, of skies and seas;His hand the wonders wrought.This is my Father"s world, The birds their carols raise;The morning light, the lily whiteDeclare their Maker"s praise.This is my Father"s world, He shines in all that"s fair;In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,He speaks to me ev"rywhere.This is my Father"s world, O let me ne"er forgetThat though the wrong seems oft so strong,God is the Ruler yet.This is my Father"s world, The battle is not done;Jesus who died shall be satisfied,And earth and heav"n be one.這是天父世界 這是天父世界:我要側耳傾聽, 宇宙唱歌,四圍應和,星辰作樂同聲。 這是天父世界:我心滿有安寧; 樹茂花開,蒼天碧海,述說天父全能。 這是天父世界:小鳥長翅飛鳴; 晨光映暉,好花麗蔚,頌揚造物尊名。 這是天父世界:他愛普及萬千, 風吹之草,顯主奧妙,天父充滿世間。 這是天父世界:求主叫我不忘, 罪勢兇狠,好像得勝,天父卻仍作王。 這是天父世界:戰爭還沒有完; 受死基督,得勝滿足,天地歸主掌權。