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    直接上結論,優秀軟體: Afanche3D pro for mac30美金,直接上官網買,支援paypal購買。很好用,只需要簡單檢視就行, 不涉及修改完全沒問題。別想不花錢了,沒有不花錢的好方案。這個軟體在載入檔案的時候只有下面顯示一條藍線並顯示 loading, 有些檔案較大的要等待十幾秒或者更多, 但是不是宕機, 請安心等待!

    全英文介面, 不過很簡單,傻瓜式樣操作。

    這個Afanche3D在mac app也有買,貌似不是pro版本, 不過估計也沒太多區別。我沒有嘗試。 還有一堆的Afanche軟體,不要看錯了,那些雖然便宜但是是特定檔案的。有些軟體下面有評論不能用,不過評論不靠譜,我特意聯絡了軟體作者,並且自己測試用了沒問題。我的系統是Sierra,電腦是macbookpro 15" with touchbar.

    有些 .sldprt 檔案不能被自動識別單位,會彈出選單位的框框來供你選擇,比如說自己選擇m而不是mm, 不然會導致比如560mm的尺寸顯示0.56mm。 當然這種出錯機率較小。

    好了, 各位當領導的高富帥們, 可以用macbookpro來裝逼了,稽核工程師的3D文件, 裝模作樣看一下。 你們不需要去改圖,那都是技術專家乾的活。附上我的軟體截圖。

    至於那些什麼edrawings, FreeCAD等, 垃圾軟體不推薦。 edrawings不支援step檔案格式且不支援retina。 FreeCAD介面難看得想哭。附上Afanche3D軟體介紹,Open many popular 3D formats including STL, Solidworks( .sldprt ), IGES (.igs/.iges), STEP (.stp/.step), SKP (SketchUp), SCDOC (SpaceClaim), X_T / X_B (Parasolid), PLY, OBJ, 3DS, DAE (Collada), DXF (Autodesk), DWF, FBX, IFC, Blend (Blender), VRML, LWO, AMF, SHP (ESRI), TER, SMD, Q3D, Q3S, MDL, MD2, MD3, MD5Mesh, CSM, ASE, B3D, OFF, AC, MS3D, NFF, RAW, ASC, CSV, PCD, XYZ, LiDAR (.las/.laz), NAS, MESH, UNV, APT, G-Code (CNC) and many othersView models in 3D. Spin, pan, zoom in/out with perspective or orthographic projection;Support texture uv mapping;Measure distance, location, volume, area, length, radius, angle, thickness, boundary and many more;Open multiple files in the same window, very useful for assembly viewing or model comparison;Turn individual parts on and off to better view the model;Support 3D notes and 3D dimensions for better presentation and communication;Support comment and asset management for better collaboration and record keeping;Scale, translate, mirror, rotate individual 3D part;Slice 3D model at any given position, very useful for 3D model repair and modification;Mesh boolean operation support, including union, subtraction and intersection

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