  • 1 # 藍色海洋36643

    1)We Don"t Run - Bon Jovi Take a look around you, yeah, the sky is falling Sinners say your prayers this train is off the tracks Nothing is forever when tomorrow"s calling Dancing with the devil take it one day back I"m not af..

  • 2 # 貝吉塔子哥

    We Don"t Run (決不退縮) - Bon Jovi (邦·喬維)

    Take a look around you yeah the sky is falling

    Sinners say your prayers this train is off the tracks

    Nothing is forever when tomorrow"s calling

    Dancing with the devil take it one day back

    I"m not afraid of burning bridges

    "Cause I know they"re gonna light my way

    Like a phoenix from the ashes

    Welcome to the future it"s a new day

    We don"t run

    I"m standing my ground

    We don"t run

    And we don"t back down

    There"s fire in the sky

    There"s thunder on the mountain

    Bless this shield and this dirt I was born in

    We don"t run

    We don"t run

    Take me to the banks of your muddy water

    Where the flesh and blood and the spirit meet

    Only takes your touch for me to find salvation

    You"re the only reason that I still believe

    I"m not afraid of burning bridges

    "Cause I know they"re gonna light my way

    Like a phoenix from the ashes

    Welcome to the future it"s a brand new day

    We don"t run

    I"m standing my ground

    We don"t run

    And we don"t back down

    There"s fire in the sky

    There"s thunder on the mountain

    Bless this shield and this dirt I was born in

    We don"t run

    We don"t run

    We don"t run

    I"m standing my ground

    We don"t run

    And we don"t back down

    There"s fire in the sky

    There"s thunder on the mountain

    Bless this shield and this dirt I was born in

    We don"t run

    We don"t run

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 這是怎麼一回事呢?每年一到秋季喉嚨就會很癢?