  • 1 # Wanan

    “thank you”和“thanks”這兩個詞都bai是表示感謝,謝謝的意思。主要區別就是詞性不同,在使用場合方面,thank you是短語,用於比較鄭重的場合;thanks ( n. )用於比較隨便的場合,語氣較輕。thank you的英式讀法是[θæŋk juː];美式讀法是[θæŋk juː]。thanks的英式讀法是[θæŋks];美式讀法是[θæŋks]。作感嘆詞意思是謝謝。作名詞意思是感謝,道謝,謝謝,感激,謝意,多謝;幸虧,由於,因為。

    相關例句:thank you

    Thank you for that generous introduction and warm welcome. 謝謝誇獎和熱烈的歡迎。But I still thank you much. 但是我仍然非常謝謝你.Here"s how they say thank you. 下面就是他們如何說謝謝。Thank you for your kind hospitality. 謝謝你的親切款待。Reuben murmured a thank you and ran home. 魯本輕輕說了聲“謝謝”就往家跑。Thank you for using our bank! 謝謝使用我們的服務。Q: thank you, mr. president, president hu. 問:謝謝,總統先生和胡主席。Thank you for reading, please pass this article along. 謝謝閱讀,請將此文常記心中。She said thank you and wished her friend happy birthday. 她只是說謝謝,並祝她的朋友生日快樂。Thank you once again for all the trust you have placed in me. 再次謝謝大家對我的信任。Thank you for coming. 真的謝謝你來。Thank you for dinner. 謝謝你請我吃飯.Thank you boob lady! 謝謝你大奶老太!Thank you so much. 真是太謝謝你了。Thank you for the postcard. 謝謝你的明信片.Junkyard says thank you. 垃圾堆說,謝謝你。Thank you for correcting me. 謝謝你糾正我的錯誤。How to master the art of saying thank you 如何掌握說謝謝的藝術You want me to thank you?Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Robin.謝謝你把我介紹給羅賓先生。Thank for hoiding my hand when I needed it.謝謝你在我需要的時候向我伸出援助之手。

    thanks用作名詞 (n.)


    Thank Goodness 謝天謝地 ; 感謝 ; 感謝善 ;

    thank offering 感恩祭 ; 的中文翻譯及用法

    thank to 幸虧 ; 為感謝 ; 感謝來 ; 感謝

    Thank Ful 感謝壹 ; 感謝高傲

    Very thank 很感謝

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