  • 1 # 何以笙丶丶

    Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.

    My eyes are wide open.

    Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.

    My eyes can see.。

    L see the wind,I see the trees.

    Everything is clear in my heart.

    I see the clouds,I see the sky.

    Everything is clear in owe world.

    Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.

    My mind is wide open.

    Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.

    My mind can feel.

    I feel sorrow,I feel dreams.

    Everything is clear in my heart.

    I feel life,I feel love.

    Everything is clear in owe world.

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  • 大S周渝民在一起多久,二人甜蜜戀愛故事回顧?