1) 用中文說:be book smart就是我們說的“做學霸”,“讀書很厲害”,“書呆子,遇到什麼問題都首先考慮從書中找答案”,“社會經驗不足”。這叫book smart
Be street smart則恰恰相反,書讀的不多,但是早早在社會上混(street),很多解決問題的辦法都是自己從社會活動中親身體驗得來的。這叫street smart
2) 用英語說(這段英語作為“英語口語”可能有一定難度):
When we say Book smart, we mean you gain your knowledge.But you only gain it through what you learn in school. You are very successful or you succeed in your school performance,you get all the stright As,but you are not necessarily as successful in the real world.
But When we say Street smart, we mean we gain our tactical knowledge through our experience in the real world.
3) 透徹理解中文“行萬里路,破萬卷書”和英文bok smart or street smart的含義後,我們可以回答問題了:“行萬里路,破萬卷書”用英語怎麼說?或者be book smart or be street smart用中文怎麼說?
1. We should be both book smart and street smart
2. I prefer street smart to book smart.
Street Smart, Book Smart, Or Both?
不管你覺得把“讀萬卷書行萬里路”和be book smart or street smart拿來“互譯”是否貼切,能夠靈活運用be book smart and street smart這個短語依然是個學習上的很大收穫。
“讀萬卷書行萬里路”也罷,be book smart or street smart也好,說的就是兩個字:education, or experience?
Be book smart, or be street smart.
1) 用中文說:be book smart就是我們說的“做學霸”,“讀書很厲害”,“書呆子,遇到什麼問題都首先考慮從書中找答案”,“社會經驗不足”。這叫book smart
Be street smart則恰恰相反,書讀的不多,但是早早在社會上混(street),很多解決問題的辦法都是自己從社會活動中親身體驗得來的。這叫street smart
2) 用英語說(這段英語作為“英語口語”可能有一定難度):
When we say Book smart, we mean you gain your knowledge.But you only gain it through what you learn in school. You are very successful or you succeed in your school performance,you get all the stright As,but you are not necessarily as successful in the real world.
But When we say Street smart, we mean we gain our tactical knowledge through our experience in the real world.
3) 透徹理解中文“行萬里路,破萬卷書”和英文bok smart or street smart的含義後,我們可以回答問題了:“行萬里路,破萬卷書”用英語怎麼說?或者be book smart or be street smart用中文怎麼說?
1. We should be both book smart and street smart
2. I prefer street smart to book smart.
Street Smart, Book Smart, Or Both?
不管你覺得把“讀萬卷書行萬里路”和be book smart or street smart拿來“互譯”是否貼切,能夠靈活運用be book smart and street smart這個短語依然是個學習上的很大收穫。
“讀萬卷書行萬里路”也罷,be book smart or street smart也好,說的就是兩個字:education, or experience?