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    北京奧運會歌曲《永遠的朋友》(Forever friends)作曲:喬治奧·莫羅德爾 孔祥東作詞: 邁克爾·昆茨(英文) 黃小茂(中文)製作人:喬治奧·莫洛德爾 何建民 孔祥東演唱:孫楠 張惠妹以下為中文版歌詞永遠的朋友(2008北京奧運會歌曲) 作曲:喬治奧·莫洛德爾 孔祥東 作詞:黃小茂 演唱:張惠妹 孫楠 合十的一雙手緊緊貼在胸前讓風兒也帶走這動人的祈願紅白黑黃的面板一樣相同的溫度世界在我腳下愛種在我心田祥雲浮現 沐浴人間喜悅著你的喜悅呼吸著我的呼吸讓夢想成真抵達無限相聚同一個家園頭頂同一片藍天直到永遠穿越過悲與喜站在了你面前久久的凝望著不用任何的語言有夢才會有明天有愛就會再相見驕傲吧為了這榮耀的一瞬間祥雲浮現 沐浴人間為愛虔誠的許願凝聚不朽的信念讓夢想成真抵達無限相聚同一個家園頭頂同一片藍天直到永遠風兒啊輕頌雲兒祥蔚藍的星空我的夢鄉花兒吐芬芳鳥兒唱純真的心 晴朗祥雲浮現 沐浴人間喜悅著你的喜悅呼吸著我的呼吸讓夢想成真抵達無限相聚同一個家園頭頂同一片藍天One World One DreamForever FriendsIn harmony直到永遠以下為英文版歌詞forever friends(2008北京奧運會歌曲)作詞:喬治奧·莫洛德爾 孔祥東 作曲:邁克爾·昆茨演唱:李玟 孫楠You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success. You want it all and you settle for nothing less. You"ve tried harder than the rest. You"ve become one of the best. This is the time you"ll remember for All your life Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace. Forever through the years We"ll hear the cheers. Joy and laughter everywhere! We"re together here to share Forever friends You"ll meet all races,see faces you"ve never seen. People from parts of the world where you"ve never been. And you"ll feel it in your heart We spent too much time apart This is the time when all dreams of man come alive. Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace. Forever through the years We"ll hear the cheers. Joy and laughter everywhere! We"re together here to share Forever friends (No matter where we are or go) (No matter what we hope for or know) (No matter how we word our prayer) (There is one dream we share) Ending Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace. Forever through the years We"ll hear the cheers. Joy and laughter everywhere! We"re together here to share Forever friends One world One Dream Forever friends In Harmony! Forever Friedns (One dream we dream,) (One world we share.) 譜子


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