mucho gusto 榮幸至極! hay que fabulosa 多麼美妙! rrrrr, hay hay hay 嘿嘿 arrriba, quieres bailar 一起來吧 mi ra me 美妙極了 i believe in dreamin" 我相信夢想 shootin" for the stars 到天空摘下星星 baby to be number one 寶貝,要想成為第一名 you"ve got to raise the bar 你需要完美的表現 kickin" and a scratchin" 拿出我最好的一面 grindin" out my best 用盡我所有努力 anything it takes 拿出一切 to climb the ladder of success 登上成功階梯 work our tails off every day 每一天都勤奮努力 gotta bump the competition 在比賽中大獲全勝 blow them all away 將對手徹底打敗 Caliente! 真是火熱! Suave! 非常順利! yeah we"re gonna bop, bop, bop bop to the top 是的,我們會舞上巔峰 slip and slide and ride that rhythm 跟著節奏擺動旋律 jump and hop hop "til we drop 跳到自己的極限 and start again 然後再重新開始一次 zip zap zop 扭來扭去 pop like a mop 像拖把那樣跳動 scoot around the corner 再到角落裡遊走 move it to the groove 盡情的享受這一切 "til the music stops 直到音樂停止 do the bop bop, bop to the top 跳啊,舞啊直到巔峰 don"t ever stop 不會停止 bop to the top 舞上巔峰 gimmie, gimmie 來吧來吧 shimmy shimmy 一起搖擺 shake some booty and turn around 踩踩靴子,轉過身子 flash a smile in their direction 衝他們微微一笑 show some muscle 露出肌肉 do the hustle 展示舞姿 yeah we"re gonna bop, bop, bop bop to the top 是的,我們會舞上巔峰 wipe away your inhibitions 拋開你的負擔 stump, stump, stump do the rump 踏出你的步伐 and strut your stuff 秀出你的能力 bop, bop, bop 一起來跳吧 straight to the top 只知道巔峰 going for the glory 為榮譽而舞 we"ll keep stepping up 我們會一直向上 and we just won"t stop 不會停止 "til we reach the top 直到我們到達巔峰 bop to the top舞上巔峰編輯本段背景
mucho gusto 榮幸至極! hay que fabulosa 多麼美妙! rrrrr, hay hay hay 嘿嘿 arrriba, quieres bailar 一起來吧 mi ra me 美妙極了 i believe in dreamin" 我相信夢想 shootin" for the stars 到天空摘下星星 baby to be number one 寶貝,要想成為第一名 you"ve got to raise the bar 你需要完美的表現 kickin" and a scratchin" 拿出我最好的一面 grindin" out my best 用盡我所有努力 anything it takes 拿出一切 to climb the ladder of success 登上成功階梯 work our tails off every day 每一天都勤奮努力 gotta bump the competition 在比賽中大獲全勝 blow them all away 將對手徹底打敗 Caliente! 真是火熱! Suave! 非常順利! yeah we"re gonna bop, bop, bop bop to the top 是的,我們會舞上巔峰 slip and slide and ride that rhythm 跟著節奏擺動旋律 jump and hop hop "til we drop 跳到自己的極限 and start again 然後再重新開始一次 zip zap zop 扭來扭去 pop like a mop 像拖把那樣跳動 scoot around the corner 再到角落裡遊走 move it to the groove 盡情的享受這一切 "til the music stops 直到音樂停止 do the bop bop, bop to the top 跳啊,舞啊直到巔峰 don"t ever stop 不會停止 bop to the top 舞上巔峰 gimmie, gimmie 來吧來吧 shimmy shimmy 一起搖擺 shake some booty and turn around 踩踩靴子,轉過身子 flash a smile in their direction 衝他們微微一笑 show some muscle 露出肌肉 do the hustle 展示舞姿 yeah we"re gonna bop, bop, bop bop to the top 是的,我們會舞上巔峰 wipe away your inhibitions 拋開你的負擔 stump, stump, stump do the rump 踏出你的步伐 and strut your stuff 秀出你的能力 bop, bop, bop 一起來跳吧 straight to the top 只知道巔峰 going for the glory 為榮譽而舞 we"ll keep stepping up 我們會一直向上 and we just won"t stop 不會停止 "til we reach the top 直到我們到達巔峰 bop to the top舞上巔峰編輯本段背景