1、That givesApple a chance to blend advertising and e-commerce in new ways, particularly afterthe acquisition of Quattro.
Apple可以藉此機會以新的方式把廣告和電子商務結合起來,特別在收購了 Quattro 之後。
2、We can safely assume the new drivetrain will include Audi"s revised Quattro with more rear wheel bias, which will complement the new engine placement.
3、A. Semi , Quattro Wireless , C3 Technologies , and, according to rumors, Siri .
4、Apple also purchased mobile advertising Quattro Wireless, moving into a business Google has pursued.
蘋果還收購了移動廣告Quattro Wireless,進軍了谷歌所追求的業務。
5、For Palladio, the Quattro Libri served both a polemical and a promotional purpose.
Quattro的讀音:音標[ "kwɑ:trəʊ ],按音標讀即可。
奧迪無線:Quattro Wireless
跨越騰雲:Quattro Air
四季披薩:Quattro stagioni
四盞霓虹燈Quattro Neon
全能四驅 ; 奧迪全能四驅旅行車:allroad quattro
1、That givesApple a chance to blend advertising and e-commerce in new ways, particularly afterthe acquisition of Quattro.
Apple可以藉此機會以新的方式把廣告和電子商務結合起來,特別在收購了 Quattro 之後。
2、We can safely assume the new drivetrain will include Audi"s revised Quattro with more rear wheel bias, which will complement the new engine placement.
3、A. Semi , Quattro Wireless , C3 Technologies , and, according to rumors, Siri .
4、Apple also purchased mobile advertising Quattro Wireless, moving into a business Google has pursued.
蘋果還收購了移動廣告Quattro Wireless,進軍了谷歌所追求的業務。
5、For Palladio, the Quattro Libri served both a polemical and a promotional purpose.
對Palladio來說,Quattro Libri既提供了一個辯論和一個宣傳的目的。