  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    多行不義必自斃的英語是He who is unjust is doomed to destruction.多行不義必自斃

    多行不義必自斃[duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì][同義詞]作繭自縛、作法自斃、自食其果[解釋]壞事幹多了,結果是自己找死。[例句]“~”,這是有史以來的天經地義。 ◎郭沫若《武則天》第四幕[語法]複句式;作賓語、分句;用於壞人例句多行不義必自斃。One who committed many injustices is doomed to failure. 《新英漢大辭典》多行不義必自斃,可怕的是這些“富人”已經學得猴精了,他們早早給自己打點退路,在國外買房買地,妄圖靠著不義之財頤養天年。Will not end well, terrible is the "rich" have learned wits, and they ran their way back to the early,buying homes abroad, in an attempt to integrate gotten home later.

  • 2 # 速速影片

    多行不義必自弊: Give a thief enough rope and he’ll hang himself. 多行不義必自斃是讓壞人自取滅亡的意思。rope字面意思是“粗繩”,古代是用來吊死盜賊的刑具。現代則引申為“給予充分的行動自由”,這句話就被解釋為:Give a thief enough chances to steal and she"ll become so overconfident that she "ll get herself into jail(讓小偷有很多機會行竊,她就會因過於自負而失手被擒)。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 茭白中出現黑的?