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    1. Beyond the pots and pans, there should be poetry and the far afield.

    2. Beyond the pots and pans in present life, there should be poetry and the far afield.

    3. Beyond the pots and pans in present, there should be poetry and the far afield in our lives.

    4. In the life, beyond the pots and pans at the moment, there will-as always-be the poetry and far afield.基本按照詩的標準譯的,所以儘量要簡短,不拖沓,個人最喜歡第一種。the pots and pans: 是指鍋碗瓢盆,世俗生活;poetry:詩和詩意,原句中詩意的意思更重;the far afield:遠方比較詩意的說法。for discussion.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 以魏國國力為基礎,如果將五虎上將和五子良將對換,魏國能統一嗎?