  • 1 # 浪衝音樂

    Baby you can be sure

    I"ll always be here

    You han me believed in love

    when you whispered into my heart

    I"ll be your only and you"ll be the only light

    Baby you show me forever and it"s love


  • 2 # 小光看世界

    《綠光森林》第一集:情景1:Sophia借書給William捱打,William說道:“For that, she was punished. Every sound too keen was hurting my heat. From that, to look her eyes made me want to protect her, forever.”為那些,她受罰。每一聲都重重敲打著我的心,那麼重、那麼痛。那一刻從她看我的眼神,我決定永遠保護她。情景2:長大後的William第一次出現跟學務長關於航班delayed的一些交代。", "“I‘m still at the airport, but we won"t be able to join the press conference before my concert. Make sure celebrating"s ready. I don"t want in trouble.”", "我還在機場等候轉機,可能趕不上下午就任音樂會的記者招待會,麻煩你確認一切準備就緒,我可不希望出現任何問題。"Don\"t ask why, just do I say."照我說的去做,不需要有疑問。情景3:接下來是比較精彩的一段,William和元方在機場為“音樂是否有價”第一次“較勁”。", "“I’m sorry. I didn"t mean to.” 不好意思,我不是那個意思。", "“The * of voilin has its high quality, and so is to rasonance. Only rare Stradivari can produce that kind of sound. That"s why I say music has its value.”", "你的小提琴音色圓潤,共鳴飽滿。惟有名貴的史特拉底瓦里名琴,所以我說音樂有價。情景4:在音樂會後臺,Fiona將元方介紹給William時,William對機場的“小插曲”跟元方再次“交手”。“Music is appreciated for the public. So everyone here enjoys tonight. Welcome to come back Spence.”音樂是屬於大家的。今晚就讓大家擁有你們的音樂。歡迎回到史賓賽。william跟sophy說到小時候的promise時候,sopny以為她的王子已經忘了小時候的promise。可是,william說,", "It"s always been in my heart. It"s never changed and it never will !!!", "那個承諾一直藏在我心中,而且我永遠不會忘記!!第十一集尚董事要求取消記者會時I refuse and confuse the media about who I want to be engaged to,just like the last time,when you told the media about the engagement?我拒絕,然後繼續讓媒體搞不清楚我想要訂婚的物件是誰嗎?就像上次你告訴媒體我的訂婚的訊息。I have to clear things up。我要把一切說清楚。綠光森林第14集,威廉在綠光小學向sophie求婚的那一段", "williams:i want to give you a promise,but i"m afraid this promise would hold you back,and not give you


    i disided to give you


    always in my heart,so if you want to fly,you can


    you want a dream,go get your dream,but i wish you remember whenever you come back,you have a


    i"llbe waiting for you", "PS:我覺得這應該算是比較全的了.....

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