  • 1 # iinnzz

    搬運自網易雲音樂。 The treetops" the chimneys" 那些樹梢,那些煙囪, The snowbed stories" winter grey 灰色冬天,那被雪覆蓋的故事。 Wildflowers" those meadows of heaven" 花之盛開,草之天堂, Wind in the wheat 風吹麥田, A railroad across waters" 一條鐵路橫過江海, The scent of grandfatherly love 那是愛的蹤跡。 Blue bayous" Decembers" 那年冬天,藍色海灣, Moon through a dragonfly"s wings 蜻蜓輕舞翼襯月。 Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 何處存奇蹟!何處懷敬畏! Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door? 夢遊過仙境的Alice,只剩下敲門的背影, Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there? 暗門多少迷離,卻再難為我開啟。 Where the real is shattered by a Mad Marsh Hare? 真真假假,當年瘋狂傷害了誰? Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 奇蹟在哪兒!敬畏在哪兒! Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for? 無眠的夜,我曾在哪兒? Before the years take me 在尚未滄桑時, I wish to see the lost in me 牢記這年少時光。 I Want My Tears Back! 不願落淚, I Want My Tears Back Now! 趁著這青春韶華, A ballet on a grove" 林中獨舞不歇人, Still growing young all alone 似把一笑作青春。 A rag doll" a best friend" 布偶清影成三人, The voice of Mary Costa 共溫舊時曲。 Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 何處存奇蹟!何處懷敬畏! Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door? 夢遊過仙境的Alice,只剩下敲門的背影, Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there? 暗門多少迷離,卻再難為我開啟。 Where the real is shattered by a Mad Marsh Hare? 真真假假,當年瘋狂傷害了誰? Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 奇蹟在哪兒!敬畏在哪兒! Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for? 無眠的夜,我曾在哪兒? Before the years take me 在尚未滄桑時, I wish to see the lost in me 牢記這年少時光。 Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 奇蹟在哪兒!敬畏在哪兒! Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for? 無眠的夜,我曾在哪兒? Before the years take me 在尚未滄桑時, I wish to see the lost in me... 牢記這年少時光。 I Want My Tears Back! 不願落淚, I Want My Tears Back Now! 牢記這年少時光。 Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 奇蹟在哪兒!敬畏在哪兒! Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for? 無眠的夜,我曾在哪兒? Before the years take me 在尚未滄桑時, I wish to see the lost in me 牢記這年少時光。 Where is the wonder? where"s the awe? 奇蹟在哪兒!敬畏在哪兒! Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for? 無眠的夜,我曾在哪兒? Before the years take me 在尚未滄桑時, I wish to see the Lost in Me! 牢記這年少時光。 I Want My Tears Back! 不願落淚, I Want My Tears Back Now! 牢記這年少時光。

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