  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

      英文歌詞:  Rising in the east  And fading in the west  To the north and to sleep  At the close of day  The flame goes out  Only char left in the grate  Do you in dying become  But a name  I can see you"re worn down  The weight upon your shoulders  All the joy you once had  Now is gone  Can"t find what you wanted  Feeling lost in turmoil  Will you finally  Be free  Out into the cold night  Stare into the dark sky  Do you sleep forever  Or burn alive  Or linger in the half light  Fade into the dark night  Do you find contentment  Do you find your peace  歌手介紹  Ash  快樂天團8090成員之一。盧信宥  原名:盧顯耀  藝名:盧信宥  英文名:Ash  性別:男  出生日期:1990.6.18  星座:雙子座  身高:177cm  體重:60kg  家鄉:馬來西亞吉隆坡  現居:湖南長沙  體型:適中  目前身份:藝人  曾經加入:馬來西亞Friendz組合  現在所屬經紀公司:天娛傳媒  曾就讀學校:吉隆坡中華獨立中學、東姑阿都拉曼學院

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