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    know程度是比know about 深,但兩者的區別不僅在於此。



    Do you know the answer?你知道答案嗎?I don"t know her name.我不知道她的名字。I know him, but I never met him. 我知道他,但沒有見過其本人。


    He knows a lot about the history of the town.他很瞭解鎮子的歷史。Scientists don"t yet know why this happens.Don"t patronize me! I know you. What you"re doing flies in the face of everything that your mother taught us when we were children. 別假惺惺說這些,我瞭解你,你現在所做的這些已經完全違背了我們小時候你媽媽教給我們的東西。


    Do you know Clara?”“你認識克拉拉嗎?”Yes, we"ve met.“認識,我們見過。”You know me? 你認識我?Only from the TV... and the radio. 只是在電視和廣播上。In all the years that I"ve known Ethan, he"s only been serious about two women. 我認識Ethan這麼多年,他只對兩個女人真正動心過。


    而know about當作為一個固定搭配的時候,意思比較單一,只能表示知道,不能表示瞭解,也即程度是比較淺的,而且只能表示“知道有這回事,知道有這個人或東西存在”,而know的知道則是知道內容,例如know the answer, know her name。一些know about的例句:

    You know about this Flynn thing? 你知道我們兒子自己給自己改名叫弗林了嗎?I don"t know. It"s what he likes to be called these days. 我不清楚,他這些天喜歡人叫他這個。Reza didn"t even know about Ali"s terrorist connection. Reza甚至不知道Ali和恐怖分子有聯絡這回事。however, I must stress that there may be more missiles that we don"t know about.I can"t believe the school system didn"t know about this guy"s record. I mean, that"s pretty scary. How could something like that just slip through the cracks? 令人難以置信,你們學校竟然不知道這個人是有前科的,真是很可怕啊。這樣的事怎麼會被漏過?

    再強調一下,know和know about兩者不僅僅是深淺的差別,例如下面的例句中know和know about的深淺程度是相當的,但用法不同,know表示知道內容,know about表示知道某事物的存在,所以不能交換位置: Now, there"s still no sign that they know that we know about the missiles. Well, we"re gonna keep it that way.

    但know about有時並非一個固定搭配,而只是know+about的用法,例如下面例句中的know就是相當於上面的know,表示那種比較深的瞭解,about只是表示對於,所以下面第一個例句中就是“對於化學的瞭解”,而不是“知道有化學這個東西”的意思了。

    He"s a great father, a great teacher. He knows, like, everything there is to know about chemistry.What happened to you? Really, Walt. What happened? Because this isn"t you. 你怎麼了?真的,沃特,發生什麼了?因為這不像真正的你。What would you know about me? 那你對我又瞭解多少呢?

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