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    1. 兩者都可表示“有病的”:

    (1) 作定語時通常用 sick。如:

    He did duty for a sick comrade. 他接替一位患病的同志工作。

    The sick man"s face was in complete distortion. 該男病人的臉完全變了樣。

    Doctors have charge of the sick people. 醫生負責照顧病人。

    The nurse made the sick man comfortable. 護士使病人感覺舒服。

    The doctor made an examination of the sick child. 醫生檢查了生病的孩子。

    The sick child was hurried to the hospital. 生病的小孩被趕緊送往醫院。

    (2) 作表語時可用 ill(英) 或 sick (美)。如:

    I was ill (sick) yesterday and I don’t feel any better today.


    He was ill (sick) for a week, and during that week he ate nothing.


    He’s not as ill (sick) as you think, if you ask me. 依我看他病得不像你想像的那樣嚴重。

    He was so ill (sick) that he brought up everything. 他病得很重,什麼都吐了出來。

    注:在英國英語中,用作表語的 sick 可用來表示“嘔吐的”或“噁心的”。如:

    She feels sick in buses. 她在公共汽車上覺得想嘔。

    The long train ride made me sick. 長時間搭乘火車使我想吐。

    因此若沒有上下文, I was sick yesterday. 這類句子可能有歧義(可能表示“我昨天病了”或“我昨天想吐”)。

    2. ill 表示“有病的”時,一般不用作定語,但當它表示“壞的(=bad)”“有害的(= harmful)”等義時,卻只能作定語,不能作表語。如:

    The Blacks had ill luck. 布萊克一家遭了厄運。

    It"s an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 天下無絕對的壞事。

    I had to retire on the grounds of ill health. 我因健康的緣故不得已才退休了。

    3. sick 表示“有病的”,可用作表語或定語,但若表示“厭煩的”,則只用作表語,其後通常接介詞 of。如:

    John is sick of his job. 約翰討厭他的工作。

    He was sick of lying in bed. 他在床上已經躺得厭煩了。

    I"m sick of this place; let’s shove off. 我討厭這個地方,我們離開吧。

    4. 表示“病人”,通常用 the sick (相當於名詞 ,具有複數意義),而不用 the ill。如:

    caring for the sick and the aged 照顧病人和老人

    The sick and the aged need our help. 病人和老人需要我們幫助。

    A hospital is an institution to cure the sick. 醫院是治病的機構。

    They have come to see the sick. 他們已來看望過病人。

    The sick were allowed to pass free. 病人可以免費透過。

    She has a vocation for looking after the sick. 她有照顧病人的本領。

    The hospital was full of the sick and wounded. 醫院裡擠滿了傷病員。

    5. 在下列短語中,兩者一般不宜換用:

    sick pay 病假津貼

    sick leave 病假

    speak ill of 說某人的壞話

    think ill of 認為……不好

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