  • 1 # 使用者4014426189218

    Benedict ["benidikt]: 本尼迪克特(男子名)[異體 Bennet,Bennett] 例句:

    1、"We can try to limit suffering, to fight against it, but we cannot eliminate it, "Benedict writes. “我們可以儘量減少苦難,對抗苦難,但我們不能把它消滅,”本尼迪克寫道。

    2、Benedict singled out Irish bishops for sharp criticism over their handling of abuseand pedophilia cases in the past. 本尼迪克特對愛爾蘭主教們在處理兒童性虐待以及過去的戀童癖上事件提出了尖銳的批評。

    3、I guess on this perfect Sunday morning all the “captains” and their mates are home making eggs Benedict while praying for “just the right” wind. 我想這個完美的星期天早上,所有的“船長”和他們的家人都在一邊做班尼迪克蛋一邊祈禱“恰到好處”的風吧。

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