  • 1 # rakpe97

    吸血鬼日記6》第17集的插曲是Zella Day的《Hypnotic》。現在我們就一起欣賞作為《吸血鬼日記》第6季第17集插曲的《Hypnotic》這一首歌吧。  《Hypnotic 》- Zella Day  I wanna be on the front line,  我想上前線  nodding up suit ties  西裝革履  Talking like a headstrong mamma  談吐像是個意志堅強人 媽媽  Got a picture in your wallet,  照片在你的錢包  Making me a habbit wearin"  穿著常穿的衣服  your vintage t-shirt  你過時的T恤  Tied ribbons on your top pad,  繫上你的絲帶  Tellin" me I"m all that,  跟我說我完美無瑕  just like the girls  就像你家鄉的  from your hometown  那些女孩  Sweet blooded and up-stranded,  甜美可愛卻有血性剛強  see if I can stand it,  想知道我是否能承受  drinking in the shallow water  陶醉其中  Magnetic everything about you,  著迷你的一切  You really got me, now  此刻 你真的讓我痴迷  You did to me so well  你對我那麼好  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Make me feel like someone else  讓我毫無感覺  You got me talking in my sleep  你讓我魂牽夢繞  I don"t wanna come back down  我不想脫離夢境  I don"t wanna touch the ground  我不想觸控地面  I"m sick of pushing down so deep  我也厭惡陷入得這麼深  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  White threads on my laces  我的白色鞋帶  Struck on the hinges,  鎖上的鉸鏈  swinging the door to the back yard  在後院的門上擺動  "Cause dwellers walk a tight rope  他們如履薄冰  Spot like a bandage  像是走在繃帶包紮的地方  touch on the outer surface  觸控你光澤的膚  Bright eyes of the solstice  邂逅魅惑你的眼  wherever your mind is heading  無論你的心所向何處  from a freight train city  從列車之城出發  Locked up till you moon it,  凍結一切直至你能發覺  Brushing my hair back,  將我的頭髮梳起  feeling your lips on my cold neck  感受著你的唇在我冰冷的脖上纏繞  Magnetic everything about you,  著迷你的一切  You really got me, now  此刻 你真的讓我痴迷  You did to me so well  你對我那麼好  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Make me feel like someone else  讓我毫無感覺  You got me talking in my sleep  你讓我魂牽夢繞  I don"t wanna come back down  我不想脫離夢境  I don"t wanna touch the ground  我不想觸控地面  I"m sick of pushing down so deep  我也厭惡陷入得這麼深  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  You did to me so well  你對我那麼好  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Make me feel like someone else  讓我毫無感覺  You got me talking in my sleep  你讓我魂牽夢繞  I don"t wanna come back down  我不想脫離夢境  I don"t wanna touch the ground  我不想觸控地面  I"m sick of pushing down so deep  我也厭惡陷入得這麼深  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般  Hypnotic taking over me  彷如全身被催眠般

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