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    puts就是輸出字串啊。int puts( const char* string );MSDN的例子/* PUTS.C: This program uses puts * to write a string to stdout. */#include <stdio.h>void main( void ){ puts( "Hello world from puts!" );}執行結果就是Hello world from puts!你要輸出換行的話,就用 puts( "\n" );用法很簡單啊,就是把一個C樣式的字串當引數傳過去。//-----------------------------------------我剛剛試過了puts( "" )的確可以起到換行的作用。The puts function writes string to the standard output stream stdout, replacing the string"s terminating null character ("\0") with a newline character ("\n") in the output stream.當puts遇到\0時,會輸出一個\n,也就是換行。所以puts( "" )時,因為字串本身長度為0,所以第一個字元就是\0,puts會輸出一個\n,所以起到了換行的效果。也就是說, puts( "" )跟puts( "\0" )是等效的,也等效於printf( "\n" )

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