  • 1 # cnBeta

    2019年的首個補丁星期二活動日中,微軟面向所有尚處於支援狀態的Windows系統釋出累積更新。其中Windows 10十月更新(Version 1809)獲得KB4480116更新,升級後版本至Build 17763.253;Windows 10四月更新(Version 1803)獲得KB4480966更新,升級至Build 17134.523。

    Windows 10 Build 17763.253更新內容:

    ● 修復了影響PowerShell遠端端點的會話隔離漏洞。預設情況下,PowerShell遠端處理僅適用於管理員帳戶,但可以配置為與非管理員帳戶一起使用。從此版本開始,您無法將PowerShell遠端端點配置為與非管理員帳戶一起使用。

    嘗試使用非管理員帳戶時,將出現以下錯誤:“New-PSSession: [computerName] Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message: The WSMan service could not launch a host process to process the given request. Make sure the WSMan provider host server and proxy are properly registered. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic”

    ● 修復在使用esentutl /p命令來修復損壞的可擴充套件儲存引擎(ESE)資料庫導致資料庫基本為空的問題。ESE資料庫已經損壞且無法掛載。

    ● Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows MSXML, Windows Kernel, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Wireless Networking, Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows Linux, Windows Virtualization和Microsoft Scripting Engine的安全更新。

    Windows 10 Build 17134.523更新內容錯誤:

    ● 修復了影響PowerShell遠端端點的會話隔離漏洞。預設情況下,PowerShell遠端處理僅適用於管理員帳戶,但可以配置為與非管理員帳戶一起使用。從此版本開始,您無法將PowerShell遠端端點配置為與非管理員帳戶一起使用。

    嘗試使用非管理員帳戶時,將出現以下錯誤:“New-PSSession: [computerName] Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message: The WSMan service could not launch a host process to process the given request. Make sure the WSMan provider host server and proxy are properly registered. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic”

    ● Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows MSXML, Windows Kernel, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Wireless Networking, Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows Linux, Windows Virtualization和Microsoft Scripting Engine的安全更新。

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