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      Glitter and be Gay光彩照人,心花怒放  Aria form “Candide”  - Cunegonde  Glitter and be gay, that’s the part I play:  Here I am in Paris, France.  光彩照人,心花怒放,這是我扮演的角色: 我身在法國巴黎。  Forced to bend my soul to a sordid role, victimized by bitter, bitter circumstance.  被迫屈尊扮演一個下賤的角色,我處境悲慘,身不由己。  Alas for me! Had I remained beside my ladymother, my virtue had remained unstained  為我嘆息吧!我曾與??為伴,一身清白,未被玷汙  Until my maiden hand was gained by some grand duke or other.  直到我的處女之手被王公貴族所牽  Ah, it was not to be; harsh necessity brought me to this gilded cage.  噢,不要這樣;我棲身金籠實在是迫不得已。  Born to higher things, here I droop my wings, ah!  ??  Singing of a sorrow nothing can assuage.  悲歌一曲,無以慰藉  And yet, of course, I rather like to revel, ha ha!  我卻寧願縱情狂歡  I have no strong objection to champagne, ha ha!  來杯香檳,我不會介意  My wardrobe is expensive as the devil, ha ha! Perhaps it is ignoble to complain…  我的服飾價值連城。也許抱怨會顯得貪得無厭。  Enough, enough, of being basely tearful!  夠了,夠了,別再不知好歹,淚眼漣漣!  I’ll show my noble stuff by being bright and cheerful! Ha ha ha…  我會盡現高貴氣質,心歡喜,精神爽!  (She begins to remove her jewelry and hand it over to the old lady)  她開始摘下珠寶首飾,交給老婦人  (parlando) pearls and ruby rings.. Ah, how can worldly things take the place of honor lost?  真珠和寶石戒指。世俗的東西怎能換回喪失的貞操?  Can they compensate for my fallen state, purchased as they were at such an awful cost?  縱然以天價夠得,難道能拯救我墮落的靈魂?  Bracelets…lavalieres… can they dry my tears? Can they blind my eyes to shame?  手鐲,項墜,難道能拭乾我的流水?難道能讓我不知羞恥?  Can the brightest brooch shield me from reproach? Can the purest diamond purify my name?  華麗的胸針難道能為我抵擋流言蜚語?無暇的鑽石難道能洗清我的罪名?  And yet, of course, these trinkets are endearing. Ha ha!  不過,這些珠寶首飾的確令我心歡喜。  I’m oh, so glad my sapphire is a star, ha ha! I rather like a twenty carat earring, haha!  我多麼開心,我的藍寶石就像一顆閃亮的星星。若是有二十克拉的耳環,我會更高興。  If I’m not pure, at least my jewels are! Enough, enough!  即使我並不純潔,至少我的珠寶首飾完美無瑕!夠了,夠了!  I’ll take their diamond necklace, and show my noble stuff by being gay and reckless!  我會收下他們的鑽石項鍊,盡顯我的高貴氣質,滿心歡喜,不再顧慮!  (The jewelry gone, she begins to undress)  珠寶不見了,她開始卸裝  ha ha…  Ha! Observe how bravely I conceal the dreadful, dreadful shame I feel.  瞧我多麼勇敢,雖羞愧難當,卻深藏不露。  Ha ha…(breaks into wild laughter)  狂笑

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 不想買房和想結婚矛盾嗎?