  • 1 # ygccghcc

    soft 英 [sɒft]     美 [sɔːft]    adj.柔軟的;柔和的;溫和的;不強烈的;輕的adv.柔軟地;溫和地n.柔軟的東西例句用作形容詞 (adj.)The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.春天的新芽有柔軟的觸感。It"s very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.春天的時候,踩在鬆軟的地面上非常舒服。The room was flooded with soft light.房間裡充滿了柔和的光。The soft breeze stirs the leaves.柔和的微風搖動著樹葉。His soft words contained an undertone of warning.他溫和的話中蘊涵著警告之意。His voice was soft and I lost some of his words.他的聲音很輕,有些話我沒有聽到。用作名詞 (n.)He comforted his back with something soft.他用柔軟的東西使他的背部舒服一點。The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.春天的新芽有柔軟的觸感。

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