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      special “特殊的”、“特別的”、“專門的”,普通用詞,指在某方面具有不同於一般的特別之處(not ordinary or usual)突出與一般不同。也可表示有“特有的”,“獨具特色的”或“特設的”,“專門的”。  

    1)Is there anything special that you'd like to do today?  今天你有什麼特別的事要辦?  

    2)Passengers should tell the airline in advance if they have any special dietary needs.  乘客如有特殊的飲食需求應該提前告訴航空公司。  

    3)I don't expect special treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.  我並不期望受到特別對待 ―― 我只想得到公正對待。  

    4)The restaurant serves certain special dishes which you can find nowhere else.  這家餐館提供一些特色菜,你在別的地方找不到。  

    5)Full details of the election results will be published in a special edition of tomorrow's newspaper.  選舉結果的詳細內容將在明天報紙的特別版上發表。  

    6)They have decided to establish a special committee to investigate the incident.  他們決定建立一個特別委員會來調查這一事件。  specific “特殊的”、“特異的”,強調奇特性和特異性,指某物與其他事物有明顯的區別或針對某物而言是特定的,特有的。  1)A specific attribute of the elephant is its long trunk.  大象有的一個特有特徵是它的長鼻子。  2)The town relies on its specific landscape for developing the tourist industry.  這個市鎮憑藉獨特的風光發展旅遊業。  3)Send your resume with a cover letter that is specific to that particular job.  寄出你的簡歷並附上一份針對那個特定工作崗位的附函。  4)Illnesses specific to workers in a particular occupation are known as occupational diseases.  針對某一個特定的職業工人的疾病稱之職業病。  5)The doctors are looking for a medicine which is specific for controlling the virus.  醫生們正在尋找控制這種病毒的特效藥物。

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