1 # 兔子蠻蠻
2 # 火箭送花
1、hoodlum ;
2、rogue ;
3、gangster ;
4、immoral behavior ;例句:;那個流氓嚇唬小男孩,讓他掏出了所有的錢。;The rascal hectored the boy into taking out all of his money. ;那個流氓靠行騙為生。 ;The rascal lives on the credulity of the people. ;她本來會嫁給他的,但知道他是個流氓後,她就離開他了。;She would have married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him. ;我要是逮住這個流氓, 非狠狠揍他一頓不可! ;If I ever catch the rascal I"ll really wallop him!
英文: rogue; hooliganism; hoodlum; immoral behaviour; blackguard;
He"s a scoundrel! A cad!