select * from table1 where 工資>2500 and 工資<3000 //同上
select 姓名 from table1 where 性別="0" and 工資="4000"
select * from table1 where not 工資= 3200
select * from table1 order by 工資desc //將工資按照降序排列
select * from table1 order by 工資 asc //將工資按照升序排列
select * from table1 where year(出身日期)=1987 //查詢table1 中所有出身在1987的人select * from table1 where name like "%張" /"%張%" /"張%" //查詢1,首位字‘張’3,尾位字‘張’2,模糊查詢
select * from table1 order by money desc //查詢表1按照工資的降序排列表1 (升序為asc)
select * from table1 where brithday is null //查詢表1 中出身日期為空的人
SQL語言,是結構化查詢語言(Structured Query Language)的簡稱。
select * from table1 where 工資>2500 and 工資<3000 //同上
select 姓名 from table1 where 性別="0" and 工資="4000"
select * from table1 where not 工資= 3200
select * from table1 order by 工資desc //將工資按照降序排列
select * from table1 order by 工資 asc //將工資按照升序排列
select * from table1 where year(出身日期)=1987 //查詢table1 中所有出身在1987的人select * from table1 where name like "%張" /"%張%" /"張%" //查詢1,首位字‘張’3,尾位字‘張’2,模糊查詢
select * from table1 order by money desc //查詢表1按照工資的降序排列表1 (升序為asc)
select * from table1 where brithday is null //查詢表1 中出身日期為空的人
SQL語言,是結構化查詢語言(Structured Query Language)的簡稱。