  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    歌曲介紹:Gortoz a Ran "" J"Attends是Hans Zimmer的釋出的專輯[Black Hawk Down 黑鷹墜落]中的一首新歌曲這首歌曲在《黑鷹墜落》的影片結尾處被引用了一段。 遊騎兵隊長看著將軍的背影,由於駐索馬利亞美軍高層的錯誤決定,特種部隊白天執行任務致使兩架黑鷹直升機被擊墜,數十美軍和上千索馬利亞百姓傷亡。載著美軍士兵遺體的運輸機緩緩合上艙門時,這首音樂響起,歌手J"attends用法國凱爾特-布里多尼人的語言詮釋了人們心中的孤寂與茫然。 Gortoz a ran,我一直在等待。貫穿整部電影的是“等待”,等待行動,等待命令,等待救援,等待回家,等待和平。而對那些在政治與仇恨的中掙扎的人來說,他們所擁有的也只能是無盡的等待。 -Gortoz a ran I"m waiting Gortozet "m eus, gortozet pell E skeud teñval tourioù gell E skeud teñval tourioù gell E skeud teñval an tourioù glav C"hwi am gwelo "c"hortoz atav C"hwi am gwelo "c"hortoz atav Un deiz a vo "teuio en-dro Dreist ar maezioù, dreist ar morioù "Teuio en-dro an avel c"hlas Da analañ va c"halon c"hloaz"t Kaset e vin diouzh e alan Pell gant ar red, hervez "deus c"hoant Hervez "deus c"hoant pell eus ar bed Etre ar mor hag ar stered ------ I was waiting, waiting for a long time In the dark shadow of grey towers In the dark shadow of grey towers In the dark shadow of rain towers You will see me waiting forever You will see me waiting forever One day it will come back Over the lands, over the seas The blue wind will return And take back with it my wounded heart I will be pulled away by its breath Far away in the stream, wherever it wishes Wherever it wishes, far away from this world Between the sea and the stars 我在等待,等待很長時間在黑暗的陰影的灰色大樓在黑暗的陰影的灰色大樓在黑暗的陰影的雨塔你會看到我永遠等待你會看到我永遠等待有一天它會回來在土地、在海外 沒翻譯全藍色的風將返回用它,收回我的受傷的心我將離開的氣息遙遠的流,無論它願望無論它的願望,遠離這個世界在大海和星星

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 人一天吃幾餐飯最合適呢?