  • 1 # ltlkk38345

      正確的歌詞是“Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.”,出自歌曲《shy》  歌名:Shy  所屬專輯:《Shy》  發行時間:2014-12-15  演唱:Jai Waetford  歌詞:  害羞- Jai waetford  Everytime you walk into the room  每當你走進房間  got me feeling crazy,  我快要發瘋了,  chock my heart boom  掐住我的心繁榮  boom.  繁榮。  Any other boy would say but me,  其他男孩會說,但是我,  I look away  我去看看  cause you"re making me scared.  你讓我害怕。  Try not to breathe 1 2 3,  儘量不要呼吸1 2 3,  try not to freak when you look at me.  不要怪你看我時。  Gotta make you move but I freeze,  要讓你把我凍,  you don"t have a clue  你自己都不知道  what you do to me.  你對我做了什麼。  Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  You make me run and hide, hide, hide.  你讓我逃跑和隱藏,隱藏,隱藏。  Feel like I get lost in time  感覺我在時間中迷失  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  I find the butterfli fli flies.  我發現蝴蝶飛,飛。  Yeah, you make me lose my mind  是的,你讓我失去了我的心  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl you make me shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞。  Rejection is a word  排斥反應是一個字  that I don"t wanna know  我不想知道  but a girl like you could kill  但像你這樣的女孩會殺了  a boy real slow.  一個男孩真正的慢。  A million words stuck up in my head  一百萬個字掛在我的頭  waiting to be said but my tongue is  要說,但我的舌頭  stumbling.  絆腳石。  Try not to breathe 1 2 3,  儘量不要呼吸1 2 3,  try not to freak when you look at me.  不要怪你看我時。  Try to make you move but I freeze,  試著讓你把我凍,  you don"t have a clue what you do to me.  你不知道你對我做了什麼。  Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  You make me run and hide, hide, hide.  你讓我逃跑和隱藏,隱藏,隱藏。  Feel like I get lost in time  感覺我在時間中迷失  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  I find the butterfli fli flies.  我發現蝴蝶飛,飛。  Yeah, you make me lose my mind  是的,你讓我失去了我的心  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl, you take me high.  女孩,你把我高。  I feel like I can fly.  我覺得我可以飛。  But I fall out of the sky.  但我從天空墜落。  But I look into your eyes.  但我看著你的眼睛。  oh oh  哦哦  Oh girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  哦,女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  You make me run and hide, hide, hide.  你讓我逃跑和隱藏,隱藏,隱藏。  Feel like I get lost in time  感覺我在時間中迷失  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞,害羞,害羞。  I find the butterfli fli flies.  我發現蝴蝶飛,飛。  Yeah, you make me lose my mind  是的,你讓我失去了我的心  whenever you need me.  當你需要我的時候。  Girl, you make me shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞。  Girl, you make me shy.  女孩,你讓我害羞。  Can even talk to you?  甚至可以和你談談嗎?  Girl, you make me shy  女孩,你讓我害羞  you make me shy.  你讓我害羞

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