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    take care of me:照顧我 例句:

    1、Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. 我老了以後請也好好照顧我,有一天你也會老的。

    2、I believed that the only person who would take care of me was me. 我認為能夠照顧好我的人就只有我自己。

    3、Take care of me when I get old. You too, will grow old. 當我老了,不再像小寶貝時那麼可愛時,請你仍然對我好,仍然照顧我,帶我看病,因為我們都會有老的一天。

    4、And when she was gone, my grandmother stepped up to take care of me. 她不在家時,我的外祖母承擔起照顧我的責任。

    5、Take care of me when I get old.you too, will grow old. 當我年老時請好好照顧我,因為總有一天,你也會老去。 take care of [英][teik kɛə ɔv][美][tek kɛr ʌv] 照顧; 殺掉; 對付; 抵消;

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