  • 1 # 米哈關愛


    How then would this dinosaur have moved? 那麼這種恐龍要如何移動呢?From there you can look straight down to the dinosaur fossils displayed on the floor below. 從那兒往向下看,你可以看到陳列在地面上的恐龍化石。Like shark and dinosaur teeth they would break, but then regenerate. 它們就像鯊魚和恐龍的牙齒一樣會斷裂,但也會再生。The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth. 冬天的寒冷在空氣中糾纏不去,就象被冰凍的恐龍想要從冰河裡解凍出來走到地上一樣。Scientist Sereno theorizes that crocodiles as a species survived the dinosaur era because of their agility on land and in the water. 科學家塞利諾的理論:鱷魚作為一個能夠生存在恐龍時代的物種,源於它們的在陸地和水中都很靈活。The dinosaur also learns from experiences such as staying away from things it doesn"t like. 此外,這種恐龍還會領悟一些經驗,比如它會遠離自己不喜歡的事物。To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I’d seen in a movie, I’d use a toy spaceship or plastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold. 為了實現我在一部電影裡看到的一個特效鏡頭,我曾經用一個玩具宇宙飛船和塑膠恐龍來複制那個鏡頭,這讓我覺得也許我可以學習這方面的知識並堅持下去。The room is like a library of huge fossils, complete with rolling stacks full of shelves of dinosaur bones. 這個房間就像是一個存放巨型化石的庫房,可旋轉的架子上堆滿了恐龍骨骼。But what about other dinosaur relatives that are alive today? 那麼今日仍倖存的恐龍親戚們是什麼情況呢?Back in the dinosaur era, it was more of a floodplain environment, with a flat plain crisscrossed by big, meandering rivers. 在恐龍時期這個地區則更多為氾濫平原環境,平坦的平原上縱橫交錯著大而曲折的河流。So in the dinosaur IT wars, I declare the fax machine a survivor, at least for now. 因此,在恐龍IT大戰中,我宣佈:傳真機是倖存者,至少現在如此。With the profile of a dinosaur and the texture of a rose bush, a thorny devil in Alice Springs Desert Park looks like trouble, but this slow-moving, six-inch [15-centimeter] lizard eats only ants. 長著恐龍的外形和一身的刺猶如一叢玫瑰,這樣一個棘手的惡魔在阿麗斯春天的沙漠公園裡看似麻煩,但他動作緩慢,六英寸[15釐米]蜥蜴只吃螞蟻。He has discovered 40 dinosaur species—more than any other living scientist—from all over China. His office at IVPP, across the street from the Beijing Zoo, is cluttered with fossils and casts. 徐星曾發現過數目驚人的40種恐龍,比任何當代科學家都要多,他位於北京動物園街道對面的研究所辦公室堆滿了化石和鑄件。"I think he saw that there was a sense of immortality in having a dinosaur named after your family, " Sereno said. 塞裡諾說:“我認為,他意識到了,以家庭成員的名字命名某種恐龍所帶來的那種不朽的感覺。”There must have been some dinosaur dust left behind - how else to explain the Homo sapiens you have become, greedy for everything, nothing in the whole world safe if you are here. 一定還有某些恐龍微粒遺留下來——要不怎麼解釋由你變成的智人那麼貪婪地索取一切,只要有你在,整個世界都不得安寧。

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