  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    daughter: /ˈdɔːtə(r)/ n. 女兒 。 形容詞:daughterly。

    例句與用法:1. Joan of Arc was one of France"s greatest daughters.聖女貞德是法國最偉大的女性之一。2. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have 3 daughters.仲斯夫婦有三個女兒。3. He saved his daughter from the fire but at the cost of his own life.他犧牲了生命,把女兒從大火中救出來。4. My daughter is eighteen years old and has grown into a beautiful lady.我的女兒十八歲了,已經長成為美麗的淑女。5. She is chaperoning her daughter all day.她整日陪伴著她的母親。6. My little daughter was born in December.我的小女兒是十二月出生的。7. Jill is my eldest daughter.吉爾是我的長女.8. The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.女兒的死對他們是一個殘酷的打擊。

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