  • 1 # w機務兵13

    How old are you?


    你會幾歲結婚小遊戲 You know how old matrimony

    你幾歲了 Has your teen ; Que edad tiene usted

    你妹妹幾歲 Your sister teen ; How old is your sister ; How old your sister

    你侄子幾歲 your nephew teen ; You old nephew ; How old are your nephew

    你姊姊幾歲 How Old is Your Sister


    你幾歲? How old is your sister?

    所以他先問了一些問題,其中一個是:“你幾歲了?” So he first asked some questions, and one of them was:"How old are you?"

    你幾歲了?我五歲了。 How old have? I"m five (years old).

    在成為一名職業球員前,你曾是一個油漆匠。你幾歲時開始工作的? Before you became a professional footballer you had a job as a painter. How old were you when you started to work?

    你幾歲了?我今天七歲了。 How wold are you? I"m seven today.

    你幾歲了,艾達? Mum:How old are you, Ada?

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