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    cross: [ krɔs ] n. 十字架,十字架形物件,交叉路a. 生氣的,交叉的,相反的v. 交叉,橫過,越過詞形變化: 副詞:crossly 名詞:crosser 動詞過去式:crossed 過去分詞:crossed 現在分詞:crossing 第三人稱單數:crosses 例句與用法:

    1. If you can"t sign your name, make a cross instead. 你如果不會簽名,畫一個十字也可以。

    2. Be careful when you cross the road. 過馬路時要當心。

    3. He crossed me in everything. 他事事阻撓我。

    4. We all have our crosses, I suppose. 我想,我們都有各自的難題。

    5. She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck. 她脖子上戴著項鍊,上面掛著個銀的小十字架。

    6. The chairman and I have crossed swords before over this issue. 我和主席以前曾經對這問題進行過辯論。

    7. She doesn"t like to be crossed. 她不喜歡有人跟她作對。

    8. I hope I never cross her path again. 但願我永遠不再遇見她。

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