  • 1 # 天天都想賺錢

    Entertainers that enrich my life and offer me great options to spend mytime. how to spend the spare time? On holiday,we have a lot of spare time.But how to spend it?How to make it meaningful? Well,I have some suggestions for you.First,we should make a plan,and make sure we will finish the most important things,like undone homework,visit our friends.Second,we should be clear what we like and dislike,then just do the things we like.Last,we should do some sports.Sports will bring us health and enrich my life and offer me great options to spend mytime.

    How to Drive Safely

    解釋:我如何度過我的業餘時間? 在假期裡,我們有很多空閒時間,但是如何度過呢?如何使它變得有意義?嗯,我有一些建議給你。首先,我們應該制定一個計劃,並確保我們會完成最重要的事情,如未完成的作業,拜訪我們的朋友。第二,我們應該弄清楚自己喜歡什麼和不喜歡什麼,然後做我們喜歡的事情。最後,我們應該做一些運動。運動會給我們帶來健康。精力旺盛。他們使我的生活變得豐富,也給我如何度過我的業餘時間提供無限的選擇。

    Nowadays , more and more families have cars . At the same time , there are a lot of car accidents every day . So in order to protect your and others" safety , we must remember the following points :First of all , we mustn"t drive a car after drinking wine , it is very dangerous for us to drive without any safety awareness. Secondly , we had better not drive a car when we feel very tiredly, we should have a good rest after a long time driving . What" more , we should not use our cellphones while we are driving , this will easily draw our attentions to the cellphone , so it is aslo not safe . Finally , if we meet some passers or we are in a corner , we should slow down and never break the traffic rules.Only by being strict with ourselves and obey the traffic rules can we drive our car safely.翻譯; 如今, 越來越多的家庭有私家車, 與此同時, 每天都會發生很多交通事故. 因此為了保護你和他人的安全, 我們必須記住以下幾點:首先, 我們務必不要酒後駕車, 在沒有安全意識下駕車時非常危險的. 第二, 我們最好在犯困的時候不要開車, 我們應該在長時間駕車後休息好. 還有, 我們在開車時使用手機, 這會把我們的注意力吸引到手機上, 因此這也不安全. 最後, 如果我們看見有行人或者在拐角處, 我們應該減速行駛, 不要違反交通規則只有嚴格要求我們自己,遵守交通規則,我們才能安全駕駛

    My Will

    The will is the psychological process that poeple control their action voluntarily and get over the difficulties for some purpose。 I don"t know if I am tough-minded or weak-willed。But if the full mark is 10, my self-conscious would be 5,steadiness gets 8,decision gets 5 and self-mastery gets 7。 I believe that where there is a will,there is a way,so I am trying to be strong-minded。 我的意志

    意志是人為了一定的目的,自覺地組織自己的行為,並克服困難的心理過程。 我不知道我的意志是強還是弱。如果用10分為滿分,我的自覺性大約5分,堅定性8分,果斷性5分,自制力7分。 我相信有志者,事競成,所以我要做一個意志堅強的人。 。

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