  • 1 # Affgcff

    likely、probable和possiblelikely、probable和possible都表示“可能的”,但likely和probable所表示的“可能性”的程度比“possible”大,語氣比possible強. likely介於probable和possible之間。likely可用於以人或物作主語的句子,也可使用It is likely that…的句型,但possible和probable一般只用於It is possible/probable that…句型.例如:She is likely to win.她很可能贏.It is likely that she will win.It is possible that she will come to visit our school next week.她可能下星期來參觀我校,但不肯定.likely強調“表面上看起來很可能”; 而probable則強調“權衡理由後相信會發生”,雖無法確定,但卻極有可能發生; possible的發生的可能性極小。likely介於probable和possible之間。likely用作形容詞,用於以下結構:

    1)主語+be+likely+不定式。如:Their team isn"t likely to win.他們隊不大可能贏。

    2)It is + likely +that從句。如:It"s very likely that she"ll ring me tonight.很可能她今晚給我打電話。possibleadj.可能的It isn"t remotely possible that you will be chosen to go.挑選你去的可能性並非很小。I regret to say it"s not possible.很抱歉這是不可能的。The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime.警方正在調查他捲入那樁罪行的可能性。Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.在一年中的這個時候,下霜也是可能的,雖然可能性並不大I"ll do everything possible to help you.我會盡一切可能幫助你。

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