  • 1 # 使用者4066328129497

      M6 convertible $104,900 美金.私人估計在中國需要160萬-190萬RMB  寶馬新M6敞棚跑車資料  開著這部終極跑車去兜兜風吧  +來自雙門跑車款寶馬的5.0升V10發動機  +M款可變式差速器確保足夠的牽引力  +從靜止加速到100公里每小時只需要4.8秒  +M動力按鈕,電子減震器(EDC),新一代動態穩定控制系統(DSC),啟閉抬頭顯示系統(HUD)。  寶馬世界著名的下屬部門M Gmbh繼續保持著他們設計出品擁有終極效能的豪華跑車的傳統,給我們帶來了他們最新的成果——新的寶馬M6敞棚跑車。作為一部天才般的專業跑車,寶馬的新M6敞棚跑車將展示給我們終極動力以及超高效能。  新的寶馬M6敞棚車是一部十分有特色的強勁跑車,帶有今年受到國際級廣泛讚譽的引擎——5.0升的V10,他能產生令人敬畏的373千瓦(合507匹馬力)的動力輸出以及最大520牛米的扭矩。加上一套專門為這終極動力量身打造的懸掛系統以及帶有完整Drivelogic控制模組的序列式手排手動變速系統(SMG),這些組合起來的終極動力組塊讓這部寶馬M系列最新的敞棚跑車從靜止加速到100公里每小時只需要區區4.8秒。  新的寶馬M6敞棚跑車長度為4,781毫米,比現在的寶馬6系列車長了超過5個釐米,這全是因為他新的後氣堰裙板,這個部件為了配合該車卓越的效能而專門做了空氣動力學最佳化設計。  作為典型的寶馬M型車款,新M6同樣也採用了車尾部的四路排氣管設計。  Introducing the M6 Convertible. Power never looked so pristine.  Combining luxurious interior style with classic BMW power, the M6 Convertible caters to the dual nature of every serious driver – the need to be in control and the desire to indulge. Sporting a 5.0 liter V-10 engine capable of generating 500 horsepower and 383 lb.-ft. of torque, the BMW M6 Convertible can rocket from 0 to 60 mph in 4.6 seconds*. The bite is indeed as fierce as the bark in this exceptionally beautiful beast.  Rivaling the power of the BMW M engine is the beauty of the interior design. With wood-grain trim options and carbon fiber splash, the M6 can’t help but impress the eyes. The Logic 7 audio system gives ears an equally rousing experience, as CD, AM/FM, MP3 and optional SIRIUS satellite radio booms through the 13-speaker system. And the 16-way Merino Leather-covered seats with 4-way lumbar support and three-stage heating are just two more design innovations to remind you that at BMW, ideas are everything.  * BMW AG Test Results. Actual acceleration results may vary, depending on specification of vehicle; road and environmental conditions; testing procedures and driving style. These results should be used for comparison only, and verification should not be attempted on public roads. BMW urges you to obey all posted speed laws and always wear safety belts  References:  Retrieved from  http://luxury.qq.com/a/20060712/000003_1.htm;  Retrieved from http://www.bmwusa.com/vehicles/m/m6convertible/default

  • 2 # 向陽而生ylj876



    3.0L /235kW 渦輪增壓

    2013款 640i 敞篷轎跑車 8擋手自一體 119.8萬 94.80萬

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    2013款 650i xDrive 敞篷轎跑車 8擋手自一體 198.3萬 189.30萬


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