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    Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer昨天我看見一隻獅子在親吻鹿 ——《Lost Stars》All your lights are right but I"m green to go你拒人千里 我知難而進 ——《Blue》Troye SivanThough I try to resist,I still want it all 雖然試圖去抵制 但一切仍魂牽夢縈——《Fools》Troye SivanWe don"t talk anymore like we used to do 一切都被沉默代替 無話可說的從前已成回憶——《We don"t talk anymore》As long as you love me,we could be starving,we could be homeless,we could be broke 只要你愛我 我們可以食不果腹 我們可以流離失所 也可以支離破碎As long as you love me, I will be your platinum,I will be your silver,I will be yolur gold 只要你愛我 我會不離不棄 無堅不摧 所向披靡——《As long as you love me》We walk along a crowded street You took my hands and danced with me 漫步熙攘街頭 我們執手共舞——《Almost Lover》喝空了杯中酒卻又盛滿了思念——《Hold Me Tight》

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 面對一個不愛自己的人該怎麼辦?