  • 1 # 吉祥如意鄭先生

    人生就是一盤棋,只有下好自己的棋,演好自己的角色,健康的活著,平淡的過著,真實的愛著,樂此不疲的忙著,就是一種完美,就是一種財富,就是一種快樂,就是一種幸福。與其擔心未來,不如現在好好努力。不要輕易把夢想寄託在某個人身上,也不要太在乎身旁的耳語,因為未來是你自己的。這條路上,只有奮鬥才能給你安全感,努力才能過上自己想要的生活。Life is a game of chess. Only by playing your own chess well, playing your own role well, living healthy, living plainly, truly loving, and being busy with it will it be a kind of perfection, a kind of wealth, and a kind of happiness. Instead of worrying about the future, it is better to work hard now. Don"t easily pin your dreams on someone else, and don"t care too much about the whispers around you, because the future is your own. On this road, only struggle can give you a sense of security, and only by working hard can you live the life you want.

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