哎呀,又是一個複句。誰寫的呀?這句子是要這樣看的:Though my aunt pursued 【what was, in those day,】 an enlightened policy,【 in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, 】she was extremely difficult to please.句子可以分四部分分析:Though my aunt pursued an enlightened policy = 雖然我姑媽實行開明的家庭政策,she was extremely difficult to please = 她是極難滿足的一個人。【what was, in those day,】= 在那個時代看來是in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day= 即,她從不讓員工工作每天超過 8 小時把上面的所有短句串起來:雖然我姑媽的家庭政策(在那個時代看來)很開明(即,她從不讓員工工作每天超過 8 小時),她(畢竟)是個極難滿足的僱主。
哎呀,又是一個複句。誰寫的呀?這句子是要這樣看的:Though my aunt pursued 【what was, in those day,】 an enlightened policy,【 in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, 】she was extremely difficult to please.句子可以分四部分分析:Though my aunt pursued an enlightened policy = 雖然我姑媽實行開明的家庭政策,she was extremely difficult to please = 她是極難滿足的一個人。【what was, in those day,】= 在那個時代看來是in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day= 即,她從不讓員工工作每天超過 8 小時把上面的所有短句串起來:雖然我姑媽的家庭政策(在那個時代看來)很開明(即,她從不讓員工工作每天超過 8 小時),她(畢竟)是個極難滿足的僱主。