下面提供2個方式設定快捷鍵方法1:直接給【設定旋轉點】增加快捷鍵,例如:ctrl+q、F9,之類但是不能設定成單個字母UGII\menus 目錄裡ug_view_popup.men時存放右鍵選單配置資訊的檔案。在裡面找BUTTON UG_VIEW_POPUP_SET_ROTATE_POINT項新增一條ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Q修改後資訊“BUTTON UG_VIEW_POPUP_SET_ROTATE_POINTLABEL &Set Rotate PointMESSAGE Sets a view rotation point for the view where the point is defined, to perform all subsequent view rotations about this point.BITMAP rotate_about_point.bmpPOPUP_LABEL &Set Rotate PointPOPUP_MESSAGE Sets a view rotation point for the view where the point is defined, to perform all subsequent view rotations about this point.ACCELERATOR Ctrl+QACTIONS STANDARD 到優達創電腦設計程式設計培訓網站查看回答詳情>>
下面提供2個方式設定快捷鍵方法1:直接給【設定旋轉點】增加快捷鍵,例如:ctrl+q、F9,之類但是不能設定成單個字母UGII\menus 目錄裡ug_view_popup.men時存放右鍵選單配置資訊的檔案。在裡面找BUTTON UG_VIEW_POPUP_SET_ROTATE_POINT項新增一條ACCELERATOR Ctrl+Q修改後資訊“BUTTON UG_VIEW_POPUP_SET_ROTATE_POINTLABEL &Set Rotate PointMESSAGE Sets a view rotation point for the view where the point is defined, to perform all subsequent view rotations about this point.BITMAP rotate_about_point.bmpPOPUP_LABEL &Set Rotate PointPOPUP_MESSAGE Sets a view rotation point for the view where the point is defined, to perform all subsequent view rotations about this point.ACCELERATOR Ctrl+QACTIONS STANDARD 到優達創電腦設計程式設計培訓網站查看回答詳情>>