  • 1 # 四章哥


    (1) Jane Eyre: The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby.

    簡· 愛:女主角,孤兒

    (2) Mr. Reed: Jane"s maternal uncle.

    裡德先生: 簡的舅舅

    (3) Mrs. Sarah Reed: Jane"s aunt by marriage, who resides at Gateshead.

    莎拉 · 裡德:簡的舅母,住在蓋茨赫德。

    (4) John Reed: Mrs. Reed"s son, and Jane"s cousin.

    約翰 · 裡德:裡德太太的兒子,簡的表兄弟。

    (5) Eliza Reed: Mrs. Reed"s elder daughter, and Jane"s cousin.

    伊麗莎 · 裡德:裡德太太的長女,和簡的表姐妹。

    (6) Georgiana Reed: Mrs. Reed"s younger daughter, and Jane"s cousin.

    喬治 · 亞娜裡德 : 裡德太太的小女兒,和簡的表姐妹。

    (7) Bessie Lee: The nursemaid at Gateshead.

    貝茜 · 李 :保姆,住在蓋茨赫德

    (8) Robert Leaven: The coachman at Gateshead, who sometimes gives Jane a ride on Georgiana"s bay pony.


    (9) Mr. Lloyd: A compassionate apothecary who recommends that Jane be sent to school.


    (10) Mr. Brocklehurst: The arrogant, hypocritical clergyman who serves as headmaster and treasurer of Lowood School.


    (11) Miss Maria Temple: The kind, attractive young superintendent of Lowood School.

    瑪麗亞小姐 :和藹的、迷人的洛伍德學校年輕主管。

    (12) Miss Scatcherd: A sour and vicious teacher at Lowood.


    (13) Helen Burns: An angelic fellow-student and best friend of Jane"s at Lowood School.


    (14) Edward Fairfax Rochester: The owner of Thornfield Manor, and Jane"s lover and eventual husband.

    愛德華 · 費爾法克斯 · 羅切斯特:桑菲爾德莊園的主人,簡的情人和最終的丈夫。

    (15) Bertha Mason: The violently insane secret wife of Edward Rochester.


    (16) Adele Varens: A naive, vivacious and rather spoiled French child to whom Jane is governess at Thornfield.

    阿黛勒 · 瓦朗 :一個天真活潑的法國的孩子,Jane在桑菲爾德教育她。

    (17) Mrs. Alice Fairfax: An elderly widow and housekeeper of Thornfield Manor.


    (18) Blanche Ingram: A beautiful but very shallow socialite.

    布蘭奇 · 英格拉姆:一個漂亮但很淺的社交名媛。

    (19) Richard Mason: A strangely blank-eyed but handsome Englishman from the West Indies.


    (20) St. John Eyre Rivers: A clergyman who is Jane Eyre"s cousin on her father"s side.

    聖 · 約翰 · 愛:牧師,簡 · 愛的表兄

    (21) Diana and Mary Rivers: St. John"s sisters and Jane"s cousins.

    戴安娜和瑪麗:聖 · 約翰的姐妹和簡 · 愛的表姐妹。

    (22) Grace Poole: Bertha Mason"s keeper, a frumpish woman verging on middle age.


    (23) Rosamond Oliver: The rather shallow and coquettish, but beautiful and good-natured daughter of Morton"s richest man.


    (24) John Eyre: Jane"s paternal uncle, who leaves her his vast fortune of 20,000 pounds.

    約翰 · 愛 :簡的叔叔,把他的20000英鎊的鉅額財富留給了簡。

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