  • 1 # 史蒂芬的專欄


    catch sb with their pants down

    逮個正著,捉姦在床O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,史蒂芬在做現場稽核時當場逮住有cut corners的行為時,用過這個成語,比catch them doing something wrong on the spot 是不是要簡潔?

    think out of the box打破常規,box就是一個思維框架,就要跳出思維框架思考問題,美國的領導最喜歡說這句話。這個在Englishpod裡有說過。《紙牌屋》Frank和總統也說過I realize that I sometimes think out of the box.

    work out

    鍛鍊身體,我們中學學的都是excise , 老外說得多的是work out. I work out twice a week at a gym.

    hat in hand

    人在需要幫忙時候 不得不放下面子,陪笑臉去求別人。 字面意思是就是脫下帽子拿在手裡,表示一種禮貌。以前有個同事平時非常囂張,工作上總是找別人的茬,有天他自己犯錯了,也不得不低頭去求別人,當時我就用了 He had to go hat in hand to those he criticized before. 這個自動腦補平時找人借錢時的態度。繼續發散, make overtures也是友好姿態的意思,但表示兩個本來不熟悉的人之間,一方為了和另外一方進行接觸而主動做的一些動作和姿態。



    The policemen threatened to remove them.

    昨天看到《老友記》裡也用了這個詞。微信英文版裡“踢人”也是用"remove"。“驅趕”還有幾個詞 drive out, drive away, drive off,字典的解釋都是”驅趕、驅逐”,但實際有細微區別,最匹配前文的例句的是drive out(強迫離開)。drive off(趕走有威脅的東西,比如野獸、敵人),drive away是讓別人不想來(餐廳價格太高趕走顧客)


    中文“比喻”最恰當的單詞是metaphor, 字典上的解釋是“隱喻”,實際意思和“比喻”是一樣。例如,I was flying here. You know it"s a metaphor.另外老外經常也常用analogy(類比比),就是當某件事直接解釋起來很費勁,需要用淺顯的例子打個比方時,這個叫analogy。老外經常說I like your analogy .


    aside是很好用的詞,當表示“先不談…." "先不管”,比如 Cost aside, the lead time alone as long as 3 months is also unacceptable. 先不談成本(有多高), 光是3個月的交期已經難以接受。justify這也是個好詞,”證明….有理”,用否定時候能夠表達中文“並不能說明是對的”的意思,比起"don"t mean … is right"更簡潔。比較. "Poverty doesn"t justify theft" (再窮也不能去偷)和Poverty doesn"t mean theft is right. 更多例子 The rain doesn"t justify for being late.(下雨不是你遲到的原因)。catch up

    敘舊(朋友很久沒見面了,聚在一起聊聊)最好的表達是 catch up. We haven"t had a chance to catch up. 還可以表示同步資訊,比如老闆出差回來,會問would you catch me up on this project? 記住搭配是catch up with sb. on sth.

    at this point

    此時此刻,可以代替 now, currently,老外說at this point比now要多。比如I don"t have an idea at this point. I"ll need to ask someone else.


    不只是 due to 這個搭配,還有“預計的”的意思,和expected 差不多,比如 due day就是預計日期。The customer"s visit is due on Monday. 還有應付的意思,比如The bill of my credit card is due on 21th of each month.

    work out

    中文“比喻”最恰當的單詞是metaphor, 字典上的解釋是“隱喻”,實際意思和“比喻”是一樣。例如,I was flying here. You know it"s a metaphor.另外老外經常也常用analogy(類比比),就是當某件事直接解釋起來很費勁,需要用淺顯的例子打個比方時,這個叫analogy。老外經常說I like your analogy .


    中學課本教的都是用lovely表示“可愛”,實際用 cute和adorable更多。英華人常常用lovely表示"Thank you"或者" Great"

    I was under the impression

    似乎記得…., 用 I was under the impression 比用 I remember好,表示一個委婉的語氣,因為這個通常用來表示和現在相反的印象。I was under the impression that you didn"t say so in the first place.(我好像記得你剛開始不是這樣說的)

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